Last modified: Sun Jan 5 21:06:59 JST 2003

Factors and Effects of Joyfulness in Using Dictation Systems

T. Nishimoto, H. Sakurai, M. Araki, Y. Niimi: SIG-SLUD-A103-01(3/8), pp.01-06, Mar 2002. (in Japanese)

Applications of speech recognitions are becoming popular, especially for entertainment. However, in business or work oriented usage, it is still unpopular. In the past works, the objectives of the user have not been investigagted well. To use the speech recognition system effectively, a positive effort on the part of the user is important. A positive effort stems from joyfulness. We investgated what conditions were necessary for the users of speech recognitions to feel joyfulness. Using the dictation software, we performed an experiment with the following procedure.

First we performed initial questionnaire and asked the subjects their attitude towards the speech input. Then the subjects were divided into four conditions and performed the task with one of the conditions. The conditions include the higher and lower levels, for the perceived skill and the challenge of the task, respectively. Finally we performed the follow-up questionnaires for mesuring the joyfulness and sense of controls.

The results showed that the subject's initial attitude and interest toward speech recognition determined their sense of self-fulfillment and self-control in the work. We also found where the ratio of the task and skill were almost equal, we observed the state of joyfulness and the subjects were at ease in the work. These observations indicate the occurances of 'flow experience' during the work of dictations.

Takuya NISHIMOTO, nishimoto (at)